Authentication Error Code

1. Error Response Code

Http Status Code Message
400 Request.BadRequest Bad request.
400 CustomerId.Invalid CustomerId is empty or invalid.
400 ProductId.Invalid ProductId is empty or invalid.
400 AuthorizationFormat.Invalid Authorization format is invalid.
400 AccessKeyId.Invalid AccessKeyId is empty or invalid.
400 Timestamp.Invalid X-SFD-Date is empty or invalid.
400 Nonce.Invalid X-SFD-Nonce is empty or invalid.
400 URI.Invalid URI is empty or invalid.
400 Signature.Version.Invalid X-SFD-Signature-Version is not supported.
400 Signature.Expired The value of X-SFD-Date should be within 1 hour earlier or later than current time.
400 Method.Invalid Method is empty or invalid.
400 AccountId.Invalid AccountId is empty or invalid.
400 Name.Invalid Name is empty or invalid.
400 ParentId.Invalid ParentId is empty or invalid.
400 Type.Invalid Type is empty or invalid.
401 Signature.NotMatch The request signature that we calculate does not match the signature that you provided.
401 AccessCredential.Invalid Access key id is not correct.
403 Permission.Forbidden Can't access according to this app key.
403 CustomerName.Conflict Can't execute because name exist.
403 Parent.NotExist Can't execute because parentId does not exist.
403 CustomerType.Invalid Can't execute because parent type is not partner.
403 CustomerChild.Exist Can't execute because customer has child customer.
403 Customer.NotExist Can't execute because customer does not exist.
403 Product.VAS.Subscription.Invalid Package from solution has not been subscribed.
403 Product.Subscription.Invalid Product has not been subscribed.
403 Account.NotExist Can't execute because account does not exist.
403 Permission.Forbidden Can't access according to this account id.
404 TargetCustomerId.NotFound Target customer id is not found.
404 Customer.NotFound Customer is not found.
405 Request.MediaTypeNotSupported Content type is not supported.
           Updated 2021-02-22 11:34:58

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